Wednesday 23 November 2011

URGENT: Egypt Elections 2011

Updated Deadline Information Below:

dear fathers and brethren,

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.Please find below an email and attachments received from the Egyptian embassy regarding tomorrow's elections. Please note that a voting form must be downloaded from website and then posted to the embassy or delivered by hand. Ballots must be RECEIVED at the embassy by MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 27th NOVEMBER.Please ensure that this email is circulated to as many people as possible. Please remember that this is only for the first stage of the elections.

There is more still to come.May I also suggest churches can have these ballots collected and delivered by hand up till Sunday morning.

The embassy will be open from 9am to 12 midnight every day until Sunday to receive ballot papers by hand.

Egyptian Embassy Address and Contact Information:
Egyptian Embassy
26 South Street
London W1K 1DW
Tel: 0207-499 3304


Above all, keep praying that God's will be done for the glory of His name, and the peace and protection of His children.

I leave you in the love and care of our gracious Lord.

+Bishop Angaelos
General Bishop
Coptic Orthodox Church
United Kingdom
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