Monday 8 July 2013

His Grace Bishop Angaelos announces that The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom will dedicate three days of prayer for Egypt

After witnessing millions of Egyptians across the whole nation and from all walks of life standing together to peacefully express their desire for a new Egypt, it is unfortunate that this unified effort is being undermined by needless violence and bloodshed.

At this formative time, the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom dedicates three days (Tuesday 9 July – Thursday 11 July) of prayer for peace, reconciliation and an end to needless violence and loss of life in Egypt.
These three days represent the end of the Fast of the Apostles for Coptic Orthodox Christians and the beginning of the month of Ramadan for Muslims, and so we invite every Egyptian and all our friends in the United Kingdom to join us in prayer for the sake of the many millions whose lives are now affected in Egypt.

For the good of Egypt, it is imperative that all parties work towards a common future, realising that any lives taken are those of fellow Egyptians. We continue to pray for unity and reconciliation, confident that the spirit that has been developing over the past two years and culminated in June 30 2013 will endure over these vital weeks and months ahead.