Monday 16 February 2015

Prime Minister David Cameron speaks with HG Bishop Angaelos to offer condolences following the death of Coptic Christians in Libya

For immediate use
16 February 2015
​Coptic Orthodox Church UK
Media and Communications Office

Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe)
Media and Communications Office

The Right Honourable David Cameron Prime Minister spoke by telephone with His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom to offer his condolences following the death of Coptic Christians murdered in Libya.

The Prime Minister issued a statement today expressing concern over the tragic and brutal loss of life in Libya, deeming the attacks as “barbaric and inhumane”. During the conversation the issues of dehumanisation and the importance of maintaining human dignity were discussed.

Commenting on the conversation, Bishop Angaelos said:

“It was gracious of the Prime Minister to call personally in the midst of his numerous responsibilities expressing his condolences to myself and our community. I felt that this was both a personal and powerful gesture, demonstrating his concern and sadness at the senseless loss felt by families and communities in Egypt.

As discussed with the Prime Minister, I will be passing these sentiments to His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, our Holy Synod and the Coptic Orthodox community here in Britain.”

Following the attacks in Libya, Bishop Angaelos issued a statement saying, “We cannot remember our Coptic brothers without also remembering all those who have lost their lives in equally brutal circumstances: journalists, aid workers, medical staff, religious leaders, a young pilot and communities that are considered incompatible with a fringe and intolerant element.” The full statement can be read via


Recent news interviews with His Grace Bishop Angaelos regarding the brutal murder of Coptic Christians in Libya can be found via